1. P/S Marinina E.O. (Operator) processes personal data in accordance with the laws of the country of registration of the company. By leaving a request on the website, you give permission for the use of your personal data in accordance with the following purposes:
- systematization;
- clarification (update, change);
- extraction;
- transfer (distribution, provision, access);
- depersonalization;
- blocking;
2. P/S Marinina E.O. notifies that the nexman.org website uses administrative and other cookies that cannot be refused. By continuing to use the site, you agree that the nexman.org website may store data about your browser, visit and other data necessary for the correct display of the site's web pages.
3.2. The Operator processes personal data of Personal Data Subjects by maintaining databases in automated, mechanical, manual ways in order to:
3.2.1. processing orders, requests or other actions of the Personal Data Subject related to the implementation of orders;
3.2.2. notifications about changes in the offer, the procedure for the provision of services, the list of promotions held by the Operator, events, discounts, etc.
3.2.3. for other purposes, if the relevant actions of the Operator do not contradict the current legislation, the activities of the Operator, and the consent of the Personal Data Subject has been obtained for the said processing.
4. You can always revoke permission to use your personal data by sending a request to the mail el@nexman.org and we will delete your data within 3 business days. Data that we are required to keep by law will not be deleted.